Water and event objects

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Various items that can be caught on a hook while fishing

Water Lily 4137.png Weeds Water Lily (Nymphaea) is a widespread form of aquatic vegetation that is very common for waterways in the Northern hemisphere. Water lilies provide food and cover for underwater inhabitants, but are understandably disappointing for an angler to catch instead of fish.
Hornwort 4304.png Weeds Hornwort (Ceratophyllum Demersum) - commonly known as Coontail, this submerged, free-floating aquatic plant, is extremely widespread and native to all continents except Antarctica. It is also a popular aquarium plant. Not so popular among anglers, especially when caught instead of a much anticipated fish.
Dark Hornwort 4306.png Weeds Dark Hornwort (Ceratophyllum Demersum) - commonly known as Coontail, this submerged, free-floating aquatic plant, is extremely widespread and native to all continents except Antarctica. It is also a popular aquarium plant. Not so popular among anglers, especially when caught instead of a much anticipated fish.
Pondweed 4308.png Weeds Pondweed (Potamogeton Perfoliatus), commonly known as Pondweed, this is a free floating aquatic plant that is very commonly spread throughout the world. Pondweed predominantly inhabits freshwater ponds with still or slow current, with thickets usually floating close to the water surface.
Giant Salvinia 4377.png Weeds Giant Salvinia (Salvinia molesta) is a large aquatic fern, native to south-eastern Brazil that is now widely distributed in tropical and subtropical areas of the United States and around the world. Salvinia prefers to grow in slow-moving and nutrient-rich waters of lakes, ponds, streams, marshes, and rivers. It is a free-floating plant with long and broad fronds that does not attach to the soil, but instead remains buoyant on the surface of a body of water, often restricting sunlight and oxygen from reaching the rest of aquatic flora and fauna. Although originally grown as an ornamental plant, Salvinia Molesta has become a noxious pest in many regions worldwide.
Pistia 8958.png Weeds Pistia is an invasive aquatic plant, often called water cabbage or water lettuce. Its soft evergreen leaves float freely on the water surface, with its sprawling roots submersed below. In the Amazon basin, Pistia is a source of food for freshwater turtles and a mosquito breeding habitat.
Victoria Amazonica 8960.png Weeds Victoria Amazonica is a floating-leaf tropical aquatic perennial, known to be the largest water lily in the world. It is one of the most popular greenhouse plants.
Red Coral 12245.png Weeds A piece of red coral, torn off by an angler from a coral reef. A typical representative of madrepore, or, as they are commonly known, stony corals.
White Coral 12246.png Weeds A piece of white coral, torn off by an angler from a coral reef. A typical representative of madrepore, or, as they are commonly known, stony corals.
Reed 4310.png Shore-side Weeds Common Reed (Phragmites Australis) is a tall perennial flowering plant that is commonly found throughout temperate and tropical regions of the world. Common Reed is a water-loving plant that grows in ponds, wetlands, marshes and lakes forming dense thickets, known as reed beds. Although traditionally Common Reed had countless uses in many cultures, it is now considered an invasive species, and is hardly a welcome catch among anglers.
Sedge 4312.png Shore-side Weeds Water Sedge (Carex Аquatilis) is a species of Sedge with extremely wide distribution particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. Sedge generally grows in the water along the banks of rivers, lakes and in marshy areas, often forming dense thickets. Although highly valued by farmers for its nutritious value as cattle food, Sedge can be a disappointing catch for any angler.
Reedmace 4314.png Shore-side Weeds Reedmace (Typha Latifolia), that is often called Cattail, is a perennial plant in the genus Typha. Easily distinguished by its thick brown flower spikes that are cylindrical in shape. Reedmace is distributed practically all over the world, predominantly in warm and moderate climate zones. Always found in or near water, this species generally grows along the bank, often forming dense thickets. Although used in some cultures as a source of food, Reedmace is hardly a desired catch for anglers in hopes of landing a fish.
Bulrush 4316.png Shore-side Weeds Bulrush (Scírpus) is an extremely widespread species of large perennial grasses that grows in ponds and wetlands of Europe and North America often forming dense thickets. Although known for a variety of uses in many cultures throughout history, Bulrush is commonly considered an invasive species, and is most definitely an unwelcome catch among anglers.
Sawgrass 4361.png Shore-side Weeds Sawgrass (Cladium) is a species of Sedges widely distributed all around the world in regions with tropical and temperate climate. Often growing to form think impassable prairies in marshes and wetlands throughout the tropical Americas, Sawgrass has long flowering stems and narrow leaves with sharp edges that resemble sawteeth and can easily cut human skin. This plant is particularly widespread in the Florida Everglades.
Spanish Moss 4379.png Shore-side Weeds Spanish Moss (Tillandsia usneoides) is a flowering plant that often grows upon larger trees in tropical and subtropical climates around the world. In the United States it is commonly found in the southeast, growing on the southern live oak and bald-cypress trees in the lowlands, swamps, and savannas. The plant has long slender stems with scaled leaves that grow in a chain-like fashion, forming hanging structures up to 6 m (240 in) in length. Spanish Moss has been used for various purposes, including building insulation, packing material and even mattress stuffing.
Amazon Sedge 10665.png Shore-side Weeds The Amazonian sedge is a common species of sedge in South America. This sedge generally grows in the water along the banks of rivers, lakes and in marshy areas, often forming dense thickets. Although highly valued by farmers for its nutritious value as cattle food, Amazon Sedge can be a disappointing catch for any angler.
African Sedge 11121.png Shore-side Weeds The African sedge is a common species of sedge in Central Africa. This sedge generally grows in the water along the banks of rivers, lakes and in marshy areas, often forming dense thickets. Although highly valued by farmers for its nutritious value as cattle food, African Sedge can be a disappointing catch for any angler.
Backlash with weed 4352.png Loots Backlash with weed. A tangle of backlash that was probably tossed into the water by irresponsible angler. Good thing it's out now, as it not only pollutes the environment, but can also cause harm to fish and other underwater creatures.
Backlash 4359.png Loots Backlash. A tangle of backlash that was probably tossed into the water by irresponsible angler. Good thing it's out now, as it not only pollutes the environment, but can also cause harm to fish and other underwater creatures.
Rusty Hook and Sinker 12244.png Loots A piece of thick fishing line with a large rusty hook and a heavy sinker, overgrown with polyps and barnacles. Someone was hunting for large bottom fish here but lost this piece of tackle due to a snag!
Tangled Wire 13054.png Loots A twisted bundle of thick wire.
Turtle 4344.png Creatures Freshwater Turtle (Emydidae) is a cold-blooded animal that commonly prefer to live in ponds, marshes, slow rivers and other wetlands surrounded by a large proportion of natural, wooded, landscape.
Crayfish 4342.png Creatures Signal Crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) this most widespread freshwater crayfish was initially introduced into Europe from North America, when most european crayfish died from the so called “crayfish plague” in the XXth Century. Just like all freshwater crayfish, it prefers rivers brooks and streams with clean running water. The Signal Crayfish is also often used as effective bait among anglers.
Blue Crab 7797.png Creatures Common Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) is a species of the swimming crab family native to the waters of the western Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.
Black Cayman 8962.png Creatures Black Cayman This is the largest crocodilian species in the Amazon River, recognizable by its black scales, big expressive eyes with a bony ridge between them and a relatively narrow snout. Black Caimans are found across most of tropical South America east of the Andes.
Green Frog 11898.png Creatures Sometimes, instead of a desired trophy you get a frog.
Boot 4348.png Trash Old Boot. Just an old boot that must have been pulled out of the water while fishing. There is a lot of junk on the bottoms of rivers and lakes, so getting it out probably made the environment a little bit cleaner!
Plastic Bag 4346.png Trash Plastic Bag. Just an ordinary plastic bag that was pulled out of the water while fishing. Although hardly a welcome catch for any angler, getting it out of the water makes the environment a little bit cleaner!
Rag 4350.png Trash Rag. Just an ordinary piece of old rag hat was pulled out of the water while fishing. Although hardly a welcome catch for any angler, getting it out of the water makes the environment a little bit cleaner!
Old Bone 5000.png Trash An old bone that most likely came from a large marsupial. Basic knowledge of anatomy allows for a supposition that it was a bipedal animal. Perhaps even a human. Nope, let’s stop this thinking and keep the blessed ignorance.
Bone 5002.png Trash An old bone that most likely came from a large marsupial. Basic knowledge of anatomy allows for a supposition that it was a bipedal animal. Perhaps even a human. Nope, let’s stop this thinking and keep the blessed ignorance.
Jawbone 5004.png Trash Whoa! That is one enormous jawbone! Just look at that tooth! Nope, that’s not a tooth. That’s fang. Sharp as a razor, and the size of a large dagger. Gives you the creeps trying to imagine what beast it belonged to…
Bat Wing 5006.png Trash Bats are creepy enough. But there’s something even more bizarre about this bat’s wing. And judging by the size, one can only hope that the wing’s injured and enraged owner is nowhere near. Or is it?
Rusty Chain 5008.png Trash Just an old rusty chain with traces of what looks like bits of flesh and dried blood... Ugh. Let's hope we're wrong!
Сandle-end 5028.png Trash Just a piece of what used to be a candle, burnt long ago. But deep down, something tells you it was used in black magic rituals! Or is it the Halloween spirit making you imagine things?
Noose 5030.png Trash A piece of old worn-out rope, tied in a noose. But no bar of soap. Is the wicked Halloween spirit hinting at something? Ha-ha. Very funny.
Bark 4328.png Barks Tree Bark. Just an ordinary piece of tree bark that was apparently pulled out of the water while fishing. Oh well. Fishing is like life. One never knows what one’s going to get!
Bark 4330.png Barks Tree Bark. Just an ordinary piece of tree bark that was apparently pulled out of the water while fishing. Oh well. Fishing is like life. One never knows what one’s going to get!
Bark 4326.png Barks Tree Bark. Just an ordinary piece of tree bark that was apparently pulled out of the water while fishing. Oh well. Fishing is like life. One never knows what one’s going to get!
Bark 4332.png Barks Tree Bark. Just an ordinary piece of tree bark that was apparently pulled out of the water while fishing. Oh well. Fishing is like life. One never knows what one’s going to get!
Shell 4334.png Shells Shell. An ordinary freshwater mollusk shell that was apparently pulled out of the water while fishing. Freshwater mollusks are extremely common inhabitants of lakes and rivers all around the world.
Shell 4336.png Shells Shell. An ordinary freshwater mollusk shell that was apparently pulled out of the water while fishing. Freshwater mollusks are extremely common inhabitants of lakes and rivers all around the world.
Shell 4340.png Shells Shell. An ordinary freshwater mollusk shell that was apparently pulled out of the water while fishing. Freshwater mollusks are extremely common inhabitants of lakes and rivers all around the world.
Shell 4338.png Shells Shell. An ordinary freshwater mollusk shell that was apparently pulled out of the water while fishing. Freshwater mollusks are extremely common inhabitants of lakes and rivers all around the world.
Pearl Oyster 13059.png Shells Shell. This ordinary shell with a pearl inside has a secret. Under the moonlight, it starts to shimmer with a soft mystical glow, as if an ancient ocean spirit is hidden inside. Those who carry it say it attracts not only rare fish but also mysterious phenomena in the waters.
Branch 4318.png Sticks Branch. Just an ordinary tree branch that was apparently pulled out of the water while fishing. Oh well. Fishing is like life. One never knows what one’s going to get!
Branch 4322.png Sticks Branch. Just an ordinary tree branch that was apparently pulled out of the water while fishing. Oh well. Fishing is like life. One never knows what one’s going to get!
Branch 4320.png Sticks Branch. Just an ordinary tree branch that was apparently pulled out of the water while fishing. Oh well. Fishing is like life. One never knows what one’s going to get!
Branch 4324.png Sticks Branch. Just an ordinary tree branch that was apparently pulled out of the water while fishing. Oh well. Fishing is like life. One never knows what one’s going to get!
Dried Frog Legs Dried Frog Legs.png Trash These are a well-known delicacy, as well as a frequent ingredient in magic potions.
Black Cat's Hairball Black Cat's Hairball.png Trash When witches’ familiars groom themselves, they can throw up an impressive amount of fur.
Crocodile Teeth Crocodile Teeth.png Trash Crocodiles' teeth are constantly being replaced throughout their lifetime. Each tooth is hollow, with new ones growing inside the old ones.
Lump of Coal Lump of Coal.png Trash Well, well, well, has someone found themselves on the naughty list this year? Or maybe the nasty Krampus has taken your present and replaced it with a piece of coal? In any case, you are now a proud owner of some useful fossil fuel.
Birch Branches Birch Branches.png Trash Apparently Santa wants to say that someone will get a bundle of branches instead of a present today. Don’t be disappointed, your good behavior might change the state of things!
Drowned Mouse Drowned Mouse.png Trash Drowned mice from the lake.