Premium Accounts

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You can play through the game without paying any real money. You will get anywhere and will catch all the fish there's available in our game. But if you want to level up faster, you have the option to buy Premium accounts. The purchase will be made for real money and is absolutely optional.

Any FISHING PLANET Premium Account gives you Privileged Angler status with a 50% boost to your Experience Points (XP) and credits earned for every fish you catch and sell, a 50% discount on renting kayaks, free registratiopn to competition and using Forward Time feature twice as often. You can choose from:

Privileged Angler status duration Price
1 day 0.3 USD / 0.89 EUR
3 days 0.6 USD / 1.79 EUR
7 days 1.38 USD / 4.13 EUR
30 days 3 USD / 8.99 EUR
180 days 12 USD / 35.99 EUR
360 days 17.88 USD / 53.63 EUR