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Your evolution in the game is measured by experience points (XP). You can acquire them by:

- Catching fish. Any caught fish (does not matter if you keep or release it) gives you experience points. Fish size, tackle used, location and number of already caught fish from same species, all are considered in computing the experience points you get.

When you get a certain number of experience points, your player level will increase allowing you to buy and use better tackle or to access new fishing areas. The amount of XP points needed to get to the next level can be found in table below. You can see the level requirements for certain tackle or fishing locations in their descriptions. While playing, you can see your current level and progress indicator at the top of your inventory or map screen as well as on the small pop-up window whenever you catch a fish.

Level XP needed Level XP needed Level XP needed Level XP needed Level XP needed Level XP needed Level XP needed
1 0 11 2630 21 20745 31 93260 41 317435 51 1029710 61 2728860
2 25 12 3390 22 24575 32 106180 42 358655 52 1146780 62 2972805
3 80 13 4305 23 28980 33 120535 43 405210 53 1274185 63 3232485
4 170 14 5395 24 34020 34 136475 44 457600 54 1412425 64 3508500
5 305 15 6680 25 39755 35 154150 45 516325 55 1562425 65 3801550
6 495 16 8200 26 46265 36 173860 46 581885 56 1724260 66 4112335
7 750 17 9995 27 53630 37 195905 47 654780 57 1898430 67 4441555
8 1080 18 12105 28 61930 38 220785 48 735510 58 2085435 68 4789910
9 1495 19 14570 29 71245 39 249000 49 824575 59 2285775 69 5158100
10 2005 20 17430 30 81655 40 281050 50 924575 60 2500250 70 5546825

Level XP needed Level XP needed
71 5956585 81 11432930
72 6387880 82 12254780
73 6841210 83 13204645
74 7317075 84 14213827
75 7815985 85 15302415
76 8338510 86 16474437
77 8885280 87 17687389
78 9456895 88 18942312
79 10053925 89 20240245
80 10677100 90 21582294