Amazonian Maze - Brazil
This peculiar maze of islands, canals and creeks can be found a couple hundred of miles away from where black waters of the Rio Nergo join the Amazon. The impassable rainforest occasionally hides small pockets of civilization, such as Indian villages or tourist oases. The hot humid air is filled with the chirping of birds and the smell of wild orchids.
The coastline is incredibly varied: you can find rich vegetation, rocky cliffs, sandy beaches and landing piers built by locals. The bottom relief is also mixed: muddy backwaters, clayey or rocky beds. The overall number of Amazon fish species is yet to be determined, but one can certainly try landing the ancient Arapaima, the giant Piraiba and even the rare Electric Eel!
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Starting points
Stone Flower
If you travel further to the center of the maze of waterways and canals, you will find a rocky plateau. For thousands of years the river has been smoothing and polishing the stones, transforming the shore into a flat platform, ideal for swimming and fishing. Huge boulders protect the plateau from the wind and add to the pleasant atmosphere of seclusion. By the way, the water is deep, so enter with caution!
Rio Grande Hotel
It seems that this picturesque backwater area was specifically designed for watching beautiful sunrises and sunsets! The primordial beauty of this deep-water bay has certainly been instrumental in establishing a popular floating lux hotel. Take a look at the floating deck, where you can take pleasant walks, and the convenient landing pier.
Orchid Shore
If you’re looking for a perfect place for some solitude and contemplation, head straight to the wild orchid garden in the northern part of the river maze. The air here is heavy with the unique fragrance of tropical flowers. The orchids bloom right on the submerged trees peeking out of the water. This shallow bay is home to many fish species that prefer still waters.
Abandoned Temple
Ruins of a small catholic temple are visible on the edge of the island in the eastern part of the Rio Negro maze. In the olden days churches were built to last forever, and this one is no exception – decades of desolation later, its walls still hold against the encroaching jungle. Even the locals can’t remember why the church was abandoned, but one has to agree that the ruins look very atmospheric.
St. Sebastian Church
An example of modern-day Catholic architecture, St. Sebastian Church can be found in the very middle of the river maze. Most times it’s incredibly quiet and calm here. The church only becomes busy on Sundays, when boats bring local Catholic believers from all over the area for the mass. You can just about see a convenient landing pier nearby.
Mboya Village
This settlement is located on the long strip of land that very much resembles a snake tail. This might be why it is called “Snake Village” in the local language. Or maybe it’s because of the abundance of reptiles around? In addition to several fishing huts with thatched roofs, the village also has a church with a tall wooden cross in front of it to mark the gathering place for local celebrations and Catholic masses. The river is rather deep here, with tall palm trees growing along the banks.
In the eastern part of the tributary, there is a remote islet with a wooden carved statue in the middle, that locals refer to as "Acanga". Most Brazilians are Catholics, but some people still practice shamanic cults in the midst of the rainforest. Peculiar carved stones, shrines, statuettes of gods and skulls of sacrificial animals clearly signify a place of religious worship. Entering such a place, try to be respectful and not disturb the local shamans and spirits!
Stilt Hut
This lonely wooden dwelling looks long abandoned. Alternatively, its owners really don’t have time for refurbishing it. Given the stilts it might be a fishing hut: the locals probably keep their tackle here, or even use it as a fishing spot, to hunt for species who inhabit shallow waters overgrown with reed.
Giant Palm Tree Beach
After exploring infinite jungles or rocky banks, how refreshing to see a beach with beautiful white sand! One can notice giant palm trees on the other side of the beach, which gave this place its name. Cozy summerhouses with palm leaf roofing are visible not far away from the shore. If you look at the water long enough, you might see a river dolphin or a small river cruiser. Local anglers say deep waters and peculiar riverbed have made this part of the river a favourite spot for large catfish.
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Bass family | Hey there, bass hunting champions! This competition is only for those who are confident enough to show their prowess in catching all the different kinds of Bass. To prove your skills, you must go to the very heart of the tropics – the mysterious Amazonian Maze. Catch Speckled, Butterfly and Orinoco Peacock Bass, whose weight can reach up to 5kg, using Swimbait Lures from the shore or from a boat. Looking forward to seeing all of those amazing trophy photos! |
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Bull Shark | Not all can win a fight with a shark, especially if it’s a Bull Shark, the biggest bully in the fish kingdom! Not afraid of its sharp teeth? Then teach the Bull Shark a lesson and show who is running the show at this waterway. It will all happen in the Amazonian Maze, the land of tropical rains and massive water monsters. Catch all forms of Bull Shark using float or bottom tackle – and make sure to land a hefty one! The weightier your catch, the closer you are to your reward. |
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Big fish | The Big Bro is making sure you won’t miss the real battle of giants! All big-catch anglers are welcome to this top competition, where only truly large fish counts towards your score. Use any tackle, boats and even rod stands. Your main task is to catch fish weighing 50 kg and more, and as many as you can. It’s time to exercise those muscles and make your best effort: the Amazonian Maze awaits! |
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Topwater lures | Welcome to the tropics! A wonderful exotic competition awaits you today. We’re going to Brazil, where the mysterious waters of the Amazonian Maze glimmer under the shadows of the jungle. You will have to employ all your skills in using topwater lures because only the surface-dwelling fish will be counted toward your score. Collect points and try to land as large a fish as possible to best your competitors and become the winner! |
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Float tackle | The waters seem too still – it’s time to turn up the heat and make the waterway boil by holding an insane fishing session! Welcome to all fans of fierce competition. Get your float tackle and your fishing skills ready, you will need them today! The angler who has the biggest weight difference between the smallest and the largest fish caught wins the competition. It will take place at the Amazonian Maze, and the tropical rainforest has no shortage of fish. So grab your gear and get that victory! |
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Aracu | Welcome to the Spotted and Banded Aracu Competition! Take out your best feeder tackle and get ready for an uneasy fight for the biggest total length of your 20 largest caught fish. By the way, don’t forget to release your trophies afterwards. Your points won’t be affected, but the waterway’s ecology will appreciate it greatly! If a dispute arises, the angler who has caught the longest fish will be the winner. |
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More fish | More fish! Such is the motto of our competition for the masters of speed fishing. Use any tackle and bait, just make sure to keep your catch varied! You will receive points for every new species of fish caught. Today’s competition is for those who don’t like restrictions: you can use boats, you can employ any tackle, as well as rod stands. Just enjoy your dynamic fishing adventure! |
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Catfish family | We’re delighted to welcome you to the World Cats Cup, a tournament dedicated to pursuing all kinds of catfish using bottom tackle!
This exciting competition will take you on a journey through the most beautiful fishing locations of Fishing Planet! Go on a fishing world tour from Lake Saint-Croix in North America, through Germany’s Sander Baggersee Lake and Louisiana's Quanchkin, to the semi-finals at the Marron River in Bolivia and finals in Brazilia’s Amazonian Maze. Compete with top players for fame, recognition, and a prize pool of a considerable amount of Credits, BaitCoins, and unique fishing tackle! |
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Bass family | The World Series continues! Welcome to the World Bass Tour, the tournament where players compete in catching all kinds of Bass!
This exciting event full of drive and competitive enthusiasm will encourage you to prove your skills in a fierce struggle in your favorite locations in Fishing Planet! You’ll pass Florida, Louisiana, and Bolivia on your way to Semi-Finals in Brazil's Amazonian Maze, where the best of the best will fight for a spot in the Finals, taking place on Blue Crab Island in Mississippi! Only a true Bass fishing expert will earn the title of Champion in the name of glory, recognition, and valuable prizes! |
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Large Exotic Fish | Welcome to Live Bait Fiesta Cup, the match and bottom fishing tournament where contestants catch large exotic fish on live bait! Join us for a tour of the fantastically beautiful places of South America. Compete with the best anglers at Peru's deep-water lake Maku Maku, the intricate Amazonian Maze in Brazil, and the Marron River in Bolivia with its meandering tributaries and canals. The prize pool of the tournament includes an impressive amount of Credits, BaitCoins, and unique items of equipment! |